Thursday, January 12, 2006

Lucky is as Lucky Does

This morning i'm sitting here thinking about how lucky i have been in my life. Lucky to have met certain people, lucky to have the career i do, lucky to have loved and been loved and being in love. i started to wonder why all of those things are luck, don't they just make me fortunate? Maybe it's a perspective rather than a fact. i decided to ask Jeeves, "What is Luck?"; the answer from a definition standpoint is:

1. noun: your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you)
2. noun: an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another
3. noun: an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that leads to a favorable outcome

So from that perspective, everything that has happened to me has been luck? Such as meeting some people 8 years ago when I first moved here who have become my lifeline, my other family here in Washington. It may have been lucky I was there to have been introduced to them, or is that fate? Was I lucky to have been raised in such a way that I was capable of being friendly and social enough to have made friends with them? Or was that just the nurturing and nature of things... Now I'm frustrated, why did I even start thinking about this?

Fate as a definition says:

1. noun: an event (or a course of events) that will inevitably happen in the future.

2. noun: your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you)

OH SHIT, look at that!!! Fate and Luck have the same definition?? What the heck? So whether I am lucky or not, Fate is going to decide what happens anyway... So then, is it lucky to have good fate? Does fate determine if I will be fortunate enough to have a lucky life?

I think I may drive myself crazy over this one but hell, it's been too long since I've pondered such ridiculous ideas such as Luck, Fate and Fortune. The bottom line is this however, I am so LUCKY to have the love of my friends, FORTUNATE enough to have the the love of the greatest woman in the world, and thanks to FATE, they are in my life!

Maybe I'll atempt to expand on all of this more later... Feel free to add to this discussion, I always love good banter about things we cannot see or hear, but believe are there, eh!

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