Wednesday, September 05, 2007

A New Chapter for Life

At 8:36 pm Sept 4th, 2007, my son was born. After more than 24 hours of contractions, IV's, epiderals, tears and sleeplessness, he found his way into the world. It was a process, one that I don't think Jamie and I will ever want or desire to go through again, but one that has been the most worthwhile and meaningful "process" of my life. I won't speak for Jamie directly, but my senses tell me that she would concur with that thought. Just looking at her now, here in this hospital room, holding our new son, patiently waiting to give him his first bath, having slept a total of maybe 2 hours in the last 48, she looks as content and peaceful as a vacationing millionaire in Brazil. She did so awesome and continues to amaze me. She was a trouper through it all and I have to admit, it's a damn good thing that men are not responsible for giving birth. After everything I witnessed yesterday, and I know some of you can confess to this as well, I would never ever want to be the one in the bed, I wouldn't have made it through. Jamie on the other hand, took everything in stride, breathing through the contractions, being poked and prodded and being interrupted by a new nurse, anesthesiologist and OB doc every other 5 min. I was amazed at how she kept her cool, I on the other hand, probably would have started shooting, no doubt. And even after all of the pain of contractions, she ended up having a c-section, yet another "process" that she took in stride, almost a smile.

Anyway, thanks to everyone for the text messages, phone calls and emails. The prayers, although unheard on our end, have definetly been answered and I appreciate all of you for doing so. More pictures to come soon.

God bless-
Ryan Scott