Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Ms. Dilemma, why you bother me?

So here we are on a Tuesday afternoon and it feels like the week is already half way over. Mostly due to the fact that my calendar is overwhelmingly full of meeting after meeting during the day, and with the daylight fading into dusk earlier and earlier each day, it’s starting to become easier to stay in and do nothing , rather than  something more productive. That’s such a different mindset to me these days than it was ten years ago, being productive.

In the workplace, I’ve always been a workhorse. Usually trying to tackle more than I should at any given time, working more hours than I should have and investing one hundred percent of my passion into my work. It was always so personal to me that when I wasn’t working, I was fine to do nothing more after hours than sit back, watch TV and veg out. Weekends were for partying and living it up, and there must have been more years of me doing just that than there were of this other mindset, feeling like I always have to be getting something done. The plan tonight consists of getting home to my dogs, walking them to keep the 1’s and 2’s with the great outdoors, a guitar lesson followed by a deep douching of my apartment that needs to be vacuumed and dusted and have laundry folded and put away, a kitchen wiped down, a bedroom or two to be picked up and put away, two bathrooms to be cleaned and after all of that is done, maybe I’ll hit the DVR and a pint of Guinness. Maybe, or maybe once it’s all done, I’ll head to the gym, but only if it’s before 9:00 pm or else I won’t be able to sleep before 11 or 12 and that will roll into another full calendar of meeting after meeting on Wednesday.

“Oh dear dilemma, why must you bother me?”

So this weekend is the final chapter in the saga of couch finding and buying. I cannot go another week without a full-on sectional sofa with a chaise lounge, so that I may run from one end of the apartment into the living room for a giant dive into sweet plushness that will hold me and keep me cozy whilst being non-productive! I’ve narrowed it down to three choices and by Friday, I hope to know exactly which of these three beauties will be coming back with me to stay awhile. No, I’m not speaking figuratively, like some of you noticed in a previous post and called me out on, I’m dead set serious about having a full blown couch in my living room. The search has been painful to find something large enough for the room, which typically wouldn’t be a problem for apartment living, but this place is way bigger than any apartment I’ve ever lived in. In fact, it’s living room is bigger than most of my friends condo’s or even homes. For as much as I have agonized and tormented myself in this search, I am almost certain that as soon as I get this bad girl home this weekend and everything is perfect for a few months, my next place won’t be able to accommodate it and I’ll have to look for a space large enough for it to certainly remain part of the landscape of my living room.

“Um, Ms Dilemma, can you take a break for a few weeks?”

Matisyahu made my playlist this morning, and whether or not you like the idea of a Jewish white guy from New York rapping as if he was a Jamaican Dancehall champion, the guy has got a sound that doesn’t allow you to sit still. ‘Live at Stubbs’ is an awesome live album recorded at a giant Texas club/ BBQ Joint a few years ago. My only problem with any of it though is, what is a Hasidic Jew doing in a BBQ in Texas? Isn’t that completely and totally sacrilegious? All jokes aside, it’s a great album that should put you in a good mood or help you wake up on an overly tired Tuesday morning.

Writing in the afternoon of a workday is totally contradictory to productivity, as I am sure some of you were dying to point out. However, I am skipping lunch to provide some comic relief, fascinating insight and wonderful musical taste. The only other question here now is what to make for dinner? and will Ms. Dilemma be joining me? I sure hope not tonight, I have a whole house to pick up before any company can join me. She’s gonna have to wait until tomorrow

Stay Blessed-

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